A student’s hums drowned out the words of a speaker at a Bruin Republicans event titled “Sabine Durden: An Illegal Immigrant Killed My Child” on Thursday evening.

Audience members joined in by snapping their fingers, as the student continued to hum to the rhythm of various cultural songs in protest of Sabine Durden’s speech against undocumented immigrants.

“Every illegal student takes the place of an American one,” said Durden, the guest speaker for the event.

Durden, who has toured the country with Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, said her son was killed by an undocumented immigrant.

Durden claimed the person who killed her son had been deported to Guatemala before for previous felonies. She said he re-entered the U.S. and was on his second round of probation when he allegedly killed her son in a car accident while drunk driving.

Haley Nieves, external vice president for Bruin Republicans and third-year political science student, said the event’s purpose was to start a discussion about immigration.

“Immigration is just an important topic – one that has been the cause of controversy throughout this election,” Nieves said. “We want to have an organized, intelligent discussion and hope to really change some perspectives.”

But the event devolved into a shouting match between audience members and panelists. A Bruin Republicans member shouted “Deport him!” at the humming student, said Frida Ramirez-Aldapa, a fourth-year human biology and society and French student.

After Durden finished speaking, Bruin Republicans members asked questions about her beliefs on immigration. Then, general audience members questioned Durden about her use of the term “illegal alien” and the claim that deportation would make the U.S. safer.

One student said she has never felt safe in the country because of her African-American nationality.

When an audience member asked Durden what she thinks about Trump’s policies being called bigoted and xenophobic, Durden said, “Yawn.”

[Related: Students stand in solidarity with UCLA’s undocumented population]

“Illegal immigrants can’t expect to come here and get royal treatment,” Durden said. “Building the wall is the first thing we need to do because we need to stop the bleeding.”

Nieves said she thinks the death of Durden’s son could have been avoided if the United States enforced its immigration laws more strongly.

“We need to start criminalizing illegal aliens and change their influence in society because as of now, people are not upholding the law,” Nieves said.

“Not (every illegal immigrant) is bad, but (all are) criminals,” Durden added.

Many undocumented students said they felt the event targeted undocumented students unfairly and did not allow them to voice their concerns.

“The name (of the event) itself creates so much pain,” said Isabel Figueroa, a third-year psychobiology student. “They projected an isolated incident on a helpless population.”

Daysy Palma-Cruz, a third-year political science student, said she thinks people don’t understand undocumented students’ situations.

“People don’t understand that, despite my status, I don’t know my country of origin,” Palma-Cruz said. “I didn’t grow up in Mexico, I speak Spanglish and only know the American system. If I were deported I don’t know what I would do.”

Palma-Cruz said she thinks many undocumented students may have felt uncomfortable speaking out at the event because they worry that exposing themselves can lead to deportation.

Palma added that she only felt comfortable talking about her immigration status because she was protected under Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA.

DACA allows certain undocumented immigrants to work and be exempt from deportation for up to two years, before having to renew their application.

Ramirez-Aldapa said she thought inviting Durden to speak was distasteful. She added she thinks it was clear that Durden didn’t have in-depth knowledge of many of the issues that were discussed.

“This person obviously is in pain,” she said. “The fact that (Bruin Republicans) were capitalizing on her suffering to promote bigotry is simply cruel. Whatever your stance is … they are deliberately using her by bringing her to this event. It’s cruel, and it’s pathetic.”

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  1. All the tolerant liberals celebrated. Then they burned the historical books that upset them, as they danced around the fire.

  2. I’m disappointed that UCLA essentially sponsored this event, which promoted hostility toward immigrants, a valuable part of our community. Durden has endured a terrible loss, but her anger really should be directed toward raising awareness about the dangers of drunk driving (perhaps through an organization like MADD), which is what’s truly to blame for the accident, not the perpetrator’s country of origin. Bruin immigrants deserve the full support of the university and its community, and this event clearly demonstrated a lack of compassion.

    1. Derek,

      You are misguided. Sabine is hardly the only one who has lost a family member to someone who was in the country illegally. This reflects a failure of our government to do what any self respecting country would do-ensure that those who enter the country are doing so legally. This is not an attack on immigrants (I am married to a Mexican immigrant), and I am not saying that all or even most illegal aliens are engaged in criminal activity, but when someone comes to our country and breaks our laws, they must be removed.

    2. Derek – It is appallingly arrogant for you to suggest how this woman should be directing her energy.

      As I responded to Jimmy (see comment), it would behoove you to develop a much better understanding of the numerous impacts of illegal immigration. This includes the numerous heinous crimes, including murder, that have been committed throughout this county by illegal aliens. And it’s not a short list.

      I’m disappointed, if you’re actually a student at UCLA, that you do not embrace open discussion, but prefer to shut down debate that is antithetical to your very narrow worldview. Universities should be about open discussion. Sad state of affairs if your small-minded viewpoints are indicative of students today.

    3. The issue is ILLEGAL immigration and the death of my son by an illegal here illegally driving illegally.
      FYI I did speak at MADD events many times and there is no. Holstiolity agianst immigrants. I am a legal immigrant. This event was to educate about this brutal reality of this issue and youmclearly missed that point

    4. Fascist Democrats like you are hostile against Americans and supportive of illegal alien criminals.

  3. Durden doesn’t have in-depth knowledge of the issue?? The event caused pain?? What about Durden’s pain? Shame on UCLA for the treatment given to this lady whose son was taken from her.

    The conduct of these students is sickening.

    1. Thank you so kindly.
      They always conveniently overlook the pesky little fact about Law and Order. It’s NOT about racism, but about keeping every American CITIZEN and LEGAL IMMIGRANT safe.
      There is no other country that allows anyone to just come in and demand ANYTHING.
      Lets follow our Immigration Laws and keep others from feeling my grief and pain caused by someone who wasn’t suppose to be here in the first place

      1. And thank you. My wife is a (legal) Mexican immigrant, so I fully understand that this is not about hating Latinos or immigrants in general. As a part-time teacher at UC Irvine since 1998, I am appalled at the nasty reaction you are getting. Sadly, however, this is not uncommon on college campuses. Kudos to you and the Bruin Republicans for having the courage to speak in such a disrespectful forum.

        1. I have grown some very thick skin since the avoidable death of my only child. There is nothing that could hurt me any deeper. Their anger is misdirected and they will sadly become a victim of the same thing they now so passionaltely speak up about, sooner than later.
          I am a legal immigrant as well and that’s all we ask for. Come to this country the LEGAL way and follow our laws.
          If someone breaks into my house, that doesn’t make them a member of my family and they don’t get to stay while I have to use all my resources and hard earned $$.
          I appreciate your kind words

          1. Sabine,

            This is off-topic, but I noted that your son was born in Nuremberg. During my army service in the 1960s, I was stationed in Erlangen. I remain very attached to both Nuremberg and Erlangen, and have written a book on the history of Erlangen. I was wondering if you are from that area.

          2. Yes. Dominic and I were born in Nuremberg and I know Erlangen well. I go every year to visit my mom and sis and always look forward to visit both cities . So much beauty and history.

      2. Do immigrants cause more crime than US citizens? Are we more likely to be a victim of crime by immigrants or fellow US citizens? Your use of your child as an advocate for your political gain is actually the thing that bugs me the most (other than your portrayal of a group of people in a certain light with no evidence).

        1. Jimmy – You certainly can find multiple stories on heinous crimes that have been committed by people who are in the country illegally if you bothered to understand the seriousness of this issue or read about it. I’ll list just a few here:

          – Kate Steinle, murdered while enjoying the day with her father in San Francisco by a 7x felon, 5x deported illegal alien.

          – Marilyn Pharis, 64-year-old Air Force veteran, murdered in her own home in Santa Maria, California, by an illegal alien. First she was raped and tortured.

          – Two-year-old child nearly beaten to death in San Luis Obispo, California, by an illegal alien, who was arrested, but released when the judge ignored an ICE detainer. The illegal alien was an at-large fugitive (as of a Nov. 2015 story this was pulled from).

          – Police Sgt. Brandon Mendoza, killed in California when a drunk alien driver high on meth and going the wrong way on the freeway slammed into Mendoza’s vehicle.

          – Drew Rosenberg, a law student in San Francisco, killed by an illegal alien, who once he’d hit Rosenberg with his vehicle, ran over him again, ensuring his death.

          – Sixteen-year-old Dustin Inman, killed by an illegal alien in Georgia.

          The list of crimes is long, crimes committed by thousands and thousands of people in the country illegally.

          But you seem to be missing the most obvious. Why should we be importing crime! Don’t we have enough crime to deal with? If our immigration laws were enforced, these Americans would not have lost their lives, or otherwise been the victims of heinous crimes.

          Is that too complex for you to understand?

          A country’s immigration policies should work for the benefit of the CITIZENS of the country.

          Is that too complex for you to understand too?

          Why don’t you re-evaluate what you describe as “political gain” and consider that the people, such as Sabine, who are out speaking, and having to be verbally abused by people such as you, are doing so because they are advocating for change to fix a very real problem.

        2. Correction…..the issue is ILLEGALS, not immigrants. Not running for office or any political gain, just sharing what happened to my son and how my family was destroyed by someone here illegally. Illegal alien crime should be at zero and we have enough American criminals and don’t need new ones

        3. Hey Jimmy, the only 100% preventable crime is one committed by an illegal alien (shouldn’t have been here in the first place). Doubt Ms. Durden is looking for any kind of “political gain”; she’s been advocating for immigration law enforcement long before Trump started talking about it…….

  4. Dear Shweta Chawla, I appreciate you writing this article, however, it would have been a little more balanced if you had talked to me as well and got a more balanced view.
    I didn’t feel used and being there sharing Dominic’s story and tragedy was not cruel to me.
    When I talk about what happened to my family, I am talking about a ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION ISSUE, not about LEGAL IMMIGRANTS.
    The issue of illegal immigration involves every American and LEGAL immigrant

    1. You are pathetic and obviously did not take the time to read the article. There are MANY illegal immigrants aka UNDOCUMENTED AMERICANS in America. The comments /interview in this article is the reaction of how you made an undoctmemted / educated woman feel. You are part of the racist scum that trash trump is exposing for the “real world” as soon as his campaigning is done and he loses, make sure to run back to your bridge and hide away forever. Your beliefs are not only immoral but also deogratory and very unamerican.

      Signed- a full blooded AMERICAN , yes legal. Who is tired of these patethic excuses like you feeling entitled to be blantantly racist.

      1. Riccia – Your language is highly offensive and abusive. Again, I don’t know if you are a student, but if you are, it’s pretty shocking. I’m appalled by your name-calling. Completely unacceptable. You owe Sabine Durden an apology.

        1. Not holding my breath but I pray for all those who acted disrespectful, that they will never experience this kind of tragedy and pain

      2. This woman owns her own company?

        Riccia Kay-Quinn
        Owner/Lash Artist at The LashMob
        Vancouver, British Columbia, CanadaCosmetics
        The LashMob, PrincessRiccia.com

    2. The death of your son is inexcusable but don’t allow that sorrow to create a blanket racist mindset for yourself and your family

      1. Riccia – I don’t know if you’re a student at UCLA, but if you are I hope that by the time you graduate, if you graduate, that you learn significantly better ways to engage in discussion with someone who is trying to share with you.

        I’ve read about Sabine’s loss and heard her speak on many occasions, and that you are unable to clearly evaluate a situation beyond the narrow bounds of what’s been fed to you as “racism” is an indicator of a real failure to think. That you would label a woman “racist” because she has a viewpoint that does not support illegal immigration is absurd on the face of it.

        Please do yourself a favor and engage your brain. Educate yourself about the impacts of mass illegal immigration on the U.S. for the last 40 years … on everything from strains on infrastructure, including education, roads and hospitals, to jobs, the environment, loss of biodiversity and a sustainable country.

        Consider reading about Europe too, and how mass immigration is impacting them.

        In a world of 7.4 billion people, with about 180 million people added to the planet each year, ask yourself what’s a sustainable population for the U.S., and how many people does the U.S. have a moral responsibility to admit? Do you think we should admit every person from around the world who wants to come here illegally? Might they better be helped at home, or in safe areas near their home countries? What’s your number? 10 million a year? 100 million?

        Do you even know what the population of the state you live in is? Or of the country you live in?

        You really have a very, very small view of the world, and crying “racism” every time you are unable to think through an issue will not cut it in a world where we need to actually work through problems.

    3. Dear Ms. Durden,

      Unfortunately I was called away back to the Daily Bruin office during the Q&A session of the event, and was not able to obtain a statement from you or any of the Bruin Republicans members. If you would like to speak to me, please reach out to me at schawla@media.ucla.edu and we can set up an interview. Your story has a right to be respected and acknowledged, and if for any reason, you believe that this was not the case, we as an unbiased newspaper would want to fix that.

      The idea of being “used” and “cruel” was simply one student’s analysis on the matter. Her opinion is not reflective of the general tone of the article, nor of anyone who contributed to it.

      As for your last point, the article’s focus was on illegal immigration. Although a Bruin Republican member spoke out about his opinions on legal immigration, we chose to cut that part of the story to better focus on the issue at hand.

      Thank you for attending this event and working with our school, and once again, if you would like to speak to me, my email is listed above.

      Best regards,


      1. “Your story has a right to be respected and acknowledged, and if for any reason, you believe that this was not the case, we as an unbiased newspaper would want to fix that.”

        ‘Unbiased’ — utterly laughable. Your bias come shining through in the very intentional way you presented facts as mere claims. Ms. Durden, if you speak with this sorry excuse for a reporter, I hope you offer her enough proof to satisfy her from running another story with a lot of weaselly “she claimeds” and “allegedlys” so she’ll be forced to abandon her agenda and merely report facts.

    4. God bless you Sabine. You are exactly what a mother should be. Never give up fighting for right and wrong.

      1. Thank you so very much. I have met too many other moms and dads who lost their kids because of the very same reason and we will NOT stop telling our tragedies with the hope to educate and prevent others from feeling this pain. All these comments from those who welcome illegal aliens and defend their action, don’t bothere me anymore. Heard just about everything. They will feel different when it happens to their loved one

    5. Thank you for making that distinction, it’s important and needs to be heard. I’m sorry to see that the Daily Bruin has portrayed your cause so unfairly. I was also annoyed at the insinuation that you describe all illegal immigrants as violent criminals, when in fact you were making the point that all undocumented immigrants are committing a crime by virtue of being in the country illegally.

      It perplexes me that so many natural-born and legally-immigrated Americans unapologetically support illegal immigration as a practice. The continued influx of undocumented immigrants is the single greatest barrier to comprehensive immigration reform in the United States. Allowing it to continue is an insult to the Americans who go to the effort of coming into the country legally.

      At the end of the day the issue isn’t about the people crossing the border, but about securing the border itself- not just for the safety of Americans, but because border sovereignty is an fundamental part of what it means to be a nation. Controlling illegal immigration is in the best interest of all Americans, immigrants included.

      It’s as if the illegal immigration apologists are so eager to caricature their opponents as racists and xenophobes that they forget to consider the actual issue. The result is a bizarre tangle of ideology that doesn’t really make sense.

    6. I am very sorry for your loss, no parent should have to go through what you did. I hope over time it will get easier. Shame on those of you using this women’s heartache and story to push the candidate you want. I do NOT care for either but that is not the issue here, this family is grieving and everyone that is using their grief to push either candidate should be ashamed. Give them your condolences and pray for them instead of bashing her and others on here.

  5. Exaggeration of a single event to try and demonize a group of people. I would ask the logical question of how many homicides in our country are caused by undocumented immigrants, but the death of this lady’s child wasn’t even a homicide, it was due to drunk driving. If you actually dig into the claim that somehow immigrants are more dangerous than US citizens, you’ll find nothing to substantiate this claim at all. It’s a shame that my university allows this type of race-baiting xenophobia to go on with public funding.


    1. An ILLEGAL immigrant killed her son. What difference does it make that it wasn’t a homicide? Had this guy not been here ILLEGALLY her son would be alive today.

    2. Jimmy – Illogical response. One death (vehicular homicide or first-degree murder) by an illegal alien, who, by definition, should not be in the country, would be sufficient for a person of sound mind to say we need to enforce immigration laws and not import criminals!

      Again, if you’re a student, I fear for the future of this country if you’re typical of the analytical and reasoning abilities of students today!

      1. Actually, there isn’t. A person that comes to another country is an immigrant, period. But your insistence on referring to a group of people as “illegals” shows that this isn’t about the death of your son at the hands of some group of invading “criminals” as you try and portray it to be, because there’s no evidence that “illegals” are any more dangerous, and in all likelihood are less dangerous, than other groups in the US. This is about your political views that these people shouldn’t be in the country at all, and that means you’re using your son’s death solely as a political tool. Cute.

        1. When you actually start reading about his issue, you too, will understand the difference between legal and illegal. When someone breaks into your home, you don’t welcome them as guests.

        2. Fascist Democrats like you are disgusting for supporting illegal alien criminals. Fascist Democrat ,what if your kid was killed by an illegal?

          1. Sabines’ child wasn’t “killed by an illegal”–he died in a motorcycle accident because somebody made a bad left turn. Accidents kill people all the time, thousands a year. The guy wasnt drunk, he wasn’t doing anything crazy, he made a left and there was an accident. The guy did his time. He even waited for the police and could have ran. It has nothing to do with his immigration status other than she chooses to drag her son out into the public view because she is angry and wants to “blame” somebody. Undocumented immigrants aren’t any more criminal, nor any more or less likely to commit accidents than the average US population.

          2. “You’re a fascist because you won’t support racist ideology” – The Entire Republican Party Gone Completely Insane

    3. Fascist Democrat, you are the racist bigot and xenophobe who supports illegal aliens…as long as they’re not in YOUR neighborhood.

      1. “You’re a fascist and racist xenophobe because you won’t support the Republican party adopting racist and xenophobic policies!”

        The conservative new bubble has literally driven 50% of these people insane.

          1. Sure you are. Get used to losing elections and whining, and making things up to make yourself feel better! XD

          2. Racist Mexicans like you are the whiners who make excuses for your illegal alien buddies.

          1. Since when does pointing out the hypocrisy of the left make one a weirdo? How many illegal aliens live in YOUR neighborhood?

  6. And so UCLA joins so many other campuses nationwide as a haven for fragile snowflakes who preach tolerance but refuse to practice it. I hope Shweta Chawla doesn’t plan on going into actual journalism if this piece is an example of what she’s capable of writing. “Durden…said her son was killed by an undocumented immigrant…Durden claimed the person who killed her son had been deported to Guatemala before for previous felonies. She said he re-entered the U.S. and was on his second round of probation when he allegedly killed her son in a car accident while drunk driving.” Oh brother — “said her son,” “allegedly,” “claimed.” Is there some genuine doubt that any of this did not occur as Durden said it did? For even the worst journalist, these details are easily confirmed or disproved. So either Chawla is not very good at her job, extremely lazy — or, most likely, she’s simply pushing an agenda to try to paint the mother of a victim of a drunk-driving illegal alien in a bad light.

    1. Allegedly and claimed are the only words a reporter can use, legally, if the person accused of the crime is not formally charged for murder, as was the case. Otherwise the reporter, newspaper, and even Ms. Durden could face legal action.

      This is not to cast doubt on Ms. Durden’s story but is unfortunately a measure we must take in order to protect those involved unless we go into the very details of the case itself, which was not the focus of this story.

      If there was an agenda, this would have been published in Opinion. We have already spoken with Bruin Republicans members, who contributed to this article, and offered to speak with Ms. Durden. If you have any constructive advice on articles you would like to see in the future, we would be happy to receive your input. That being said, attacking my character based on <700 words I was assigned to write do not help us as a newspaper understand how best to serve your, and the rest of the community's, interests.

    1. Do you realize what you are saying? First of all, this is the USA and when it comes to free speech nobody gets shut down. You folks on the left show your true intentions when you try to shut down opposing opinions and extending it to an entire race of people is, well, racist.

      As a apart-time teacher at UC Irvine, I have witnessed this race to demonize white people as being racist or “privileged”. I have news for you: We are not the enemy. If you are a young minority, there is no white person who can stop you from being all you can be. We are part of the solution because we all need to come together and work on the differences that separate us.

      Your statement reflects true bigotry.

    2. Interesting how you want to shut down a group people who gave us the – internet, man on the moon, our constitution, 90% of all inventions, law and order. Maybe you would be better off in a 3rd world country created by a different group – the middle east, central America, Africa, India, etc. I, as an immigrant appreciate everything this country has given me and I find no weakness in admitting that. You should do the same or find an alternative safe space somewhere on this planet that best suits your needs.

  7. Well, Elizabeth, first, if you’re going to demonize the guy, at least spell his name right. It’s “Columbus.”

    Second, before you embarrass yourself again, you should take a logic class. I would hope UCLA still has that in its offerings. That way you might possibly learn the skill to make an argument that makes sense.

  8. The institutional left has intentionally blurred the lines between legal and illegal immigrants. One has to wonder what their agenda is, besides open borders.

    I wonder how many UCLA Professors would speak out if they were fired and replaced with an illegal alien.

  9. To: Shweta Chawla

    A few things: what Sabine said are not “claims,” they are facts supported by police reports and government data regarding Guatemalan Juan Lopez’s immigration status.

    As for some of the illegal immigrants in the audience concerns that they might be deported, that’s a good laugh. John Sandweg, former ICE acting director, told the Los Angeles Times that the chances of deportation for a non-criminal alien are “about zero.” Google it.

    The outrage is that Obama refuses to meet with Sabine, and that some of the U.S. Senators slept during her testimony. Read below:


  10. When the President can circumvent federal law using executive order, what is the point of passing laws? Without regard to whether children of illegal aliens should be protected using DACA, simply being here is a crime. Even if they only speak “Spanglish” ( which, by the way if I had used that term I would have been labeled a racist ) they should follow the law.
    Two simple observations; 1) the writer seems to only quote Latinas in the article with exception of one African-American, 2) all of those quoted in the were women, don’t any men attend these events? The writer interjected her personal opinion into the article by using selective quotes.
    There seems to be a theme with liberals, if you cannot baffle them with cow dung just shout them down. Unfortunately for me, I have to be on campus in two days.

  11. Immigrants and immigration issues, be they legal or illegal, in this country will never cease. Numbers will fluctuate, but documented and undocumented immigrants will be an issue time after time. Currently, much of that focus is on immigrants from Latin America, and primarily on Mexico and parts of Central America. Some of that focus now includes immigrants from the Middle East and primarily Syrian refugees. In all likelihood, as history has shown us, this focus will pass and then transfer to another racial/ethnic group. As for now, many (but not all) of the people migrating from Latin America, and particularly from Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras, are unaccompanied children and mothers with children that are fleeing from extreme violence and poverty. Many of them have claimed refugee status, similar to those that have come before from Cuba and parts of Europe. Often the people that have trekked the perilous journey have done so knowing that they may easily face death and inhumane treatment along the way, which speaks to the level of extreme violence and poverty that they are trying escape and uplift from. A popular expression often used throughout this country, “If you don’t like it then leave” somewhat encapsulates this sentiment, as it is exactly what many of the people fleeing from the aforementioned countries are trying to do — especially before they and their loved ones fatally fall victim to their hostile and impoverished environment. These types of actions reflect and are intrinsic to our human nature and our very will to survive opposition in the hopes of a greater and/or more prosperous future for ourselves and for generations to come.

    Alternately, I understand that there is a concern for whether someone is residing in a country legally or not, but the fact is that the majority of undocumented have been decreasing for several years now. The Pew Research Center reported that from 2009 to 2014, over 1 million Mexicans and their families (including U.S.-born children) have left the U.S. for Mexico. From 2009 to 2015, during the Obama Administration, more than 2.5 million people have been removed through immigration orders. And in 2015 alone, 91% of all deportees were individuals previously convicted of a crime. This does not include the additional number of people who have “self-deported” or were turned away and/or returned to their home country at the border by U.S. Customs and Border Protection. According to governmental data, during the Obama administration, more people have been deported than during any other president’s administration in history. In fact, there have been more deportations in the last 8 years than during the total sum of all the presidents of the 20th century. And as immigration from Latin America has declined over the years, immigrants coming from China and India have steadily increased. Asian immigrants are projected to comprise a greater share of all immigrants, becoming the largest foreign-born group by 2055, according to Pew Research Center estimates. At which point, I’m sure many people will then take issue with Asian immigrants, be they legal or illegal, including those residing in the country with expired visas.

    With all that in mind, I am sincere when I say, Sabine Durden, you have my condolences. The pain of losing a family member is never easy. Some may argue that the fault lies in the hands of a careless and irresponsible drunk driver, while some may argue that it was due to the person residing in this country illegally, and some may say that both issues equally play a factor. Regardless, loss and pain are real and as I said before, Sabine Durden, you have my condolences.

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